I Did It! – NaBloPoMo

Whew! I can’t believe I came up with something to post every day in November! I don’t think I can keep up posting every single day long term but I would like to post Monday-Friday from now on. Next week I’ll be at the Mayo Clinic* and I have no idea what kind of tests they’ll be running on me or what kind of drugs I’ll be on (hopefully lots of good ones!) so I might have to wait til after that to try and post five days a week.

*I have Crohn’s disease and I’m going to the Mayo Clinic on the recommendation of my local GI doctor to see if they have any new or revolutionary treatments for me since the medicine that used to work so fabulously for me has quit working.

  • http://rhapsodyinbooks.wordpress.com rhapsodyinbooks

    Congratulations on NaBloPoMo! And good luck at Mayo! We have a friend who is doing research on the Mycobacterium paratuberculosis which I guess is all the hot area for causation theory in Crohn’s now. I don’t know if that has led to any treatment initiatives however.

  • http://averagejane.blogs.com Average Jane

    Congratulations on NaBloPoMo! I forgot to post last Friday, so I blew it pretty close to the finish line.

    Keeping my fingers crossed for you on the tests and hoping you get good answers!