Happy Days Are Here Again!

school-bus-1563493_1280I guess I ended up unofficially taking the summer off from blogging. With three rowdy kids at home all day, it was hard to find any large block of quiet time to concentrate on writing reviews. We spent a lot of time going on outings – to the pool, bowling, the movies, etc. to wear them out and keep them from driving me crazy! Both of my boys played baseball this summer too so most of our nights were filled with practices and games.

But baseball season is over and I sent them off to school last week. I finally have some time for myself – at least until I have some substitute teaching gigs come up. I’m subbing for two districts this year instead of just one so I’m interested to see how busy I end up being. I’ll have to get better with time management so I can keep reading and blogging!

I’m also looking forward to getting back on my Feedly account and keeping up with all of you guys again! Tune in tomorrow for my first back-to-school review.



  • http://www.thecuecard.com S.G. Wright

    Good luck with everything this school year. Your kids seem adorable. What a lot of blond hair your son has. I look forward to seeing what you read this summer. I agree it’s almost too active a season to blog. It’s one season I have trouble keeping on.