Week-End Ramblings – April 1-7, 2017

Cash had his spring piano recital last Saturday afternoon. He played Scarborough Fair. He has such a natural talent for music – I love listening to him play. I wish his hair was off his face though! I guess it kind of makes him look like Beethoven.


Saturday night Travis and I went to our church’s Trivia Night where our team came in dead last. In our defense, the theme was the 1960s and we didn’t have anyone old enough to have been an adult in that era on our team. We should have studied up!

How was your week?

  • http://rhapsodyinbooks.wordpress.com rhapsodyinbooks

    That’s a riot about coming in last! Not that I can talk – I can’t even remember what I was right in the middle of!

  • http://www.thecuecard.com S.G. Wright

    Scarborough Fair is a pretty song to play on the piano! Good for him!