Happy Starting School Day

West started summer school today. It’s a two week session to get him acquainted with school and make it easier when he starts kindergarten in the fall. He has to catch the bus at the ungodly hour of 6:30am. I was thinking I’d get him on the bus, come home and have some (more) coffee, workout and then relax a bit with a book while Cash played. Little did I know Cash had other plans. He wanted to make a “happy starting school” cake for when West came home from school. I thought that was such a sweet idea that I let him run with it. It quickly went from just a cake to an entire “happy starting school” party. After a trip to the grocery store for ingredients and Joann for craft supplies, we were good to go. He helped me bake the cake – Cash wanted a yellow cake because that’s West’s favorite flavor even though chocolate cake is one of his favorite foods. I suggested chocolate frosting but he said that brown was not a happy color and the frosting needed to be white to be a good background for the picture he was going make on it.  I iced the cake white and then he decorated the entire thing himself. The only thing I did was write the message on it. He may have a future as a pastry chef!

Just in case you cant’ tell – that’s a school bus on the left and the school on the right. The green is grass with flowers on it.

Cash made this sign and we hung it up on the garage door so West would see it right away.

West was a *little* tired when he got home.

West loved his cake. Cash also insisted that West choose what we had for lunch (mac n cheese). I could tell the whole “happy starting school” party made West feel really special. He’s so lucky to have such a thoughtful big brother!

  • http://noappropriatebehavior.com laura

    you boys are so awesome. (they get it from their mama.)

  • http://noappropriatebehavior.com laura

    your. not you. i need more caffeine.

  • http://nerdyapplebottom.com Cop’s Wife

    I love this story. And that cake is super cool.

  • Andrea

    that is just so SWEET! I love how your boys are so caring with eachother!