Halloween 2011 – Saturday

Halloween was a multiple day event this year. It started on Saturday night – the boys hosted a Halloween party at our house for their friends. It was a lot of fun! We had a chili and hot dog supper, followed by a pumpkin bean bag toss and pin the tail on the black cat. Then the main event and grand finale – a tour of our haunted garage.  Unfortunately, we were so busy during the party that we didn’t take any pictures! Luckily our friend Rob sent us some that he took:

Luckily the weather was nice enough that the kids could play outside until dinner was ready.

Cupcakes! The orange ones are supposed to look like pumpkins but they didn’t really turn out the way I wanted them to.

Spooky smoke in the haunted garage.

Travis, the sexy vampire, led the kids through the garage and made sure they made it out alive.

Creepy vampire lurking in the haunted garage.