Week In Review – November 14-20

This week was really busy. Monday West had his five year well checkup and flu-shot. When Cash got his flu-shot a few weeks ago, he tried to bite the nurse! So unless West pulled a knife on the nurse or something, I was pretty sure he’d do better for his shot. And he did. He just sat in my lap, no restraints or reinforcements were necessary. He did cry but not until like five full seconds after it was over.

Tuesday was Grandparent’s Night at school. Grandpa Jim (my dad) and Grandma Celia (Travis’s mom) were able to come up for it. They visited the boys’ classrooms, made a craft with them and had a snack. It was a fun night.

Thursday was Open Library Night at school. Once a month the boys’ school library has a special night where families can come to the library and make a craft, have a snack and listen to a special storyreader. Students who attend also get to check out an extra library book. I love that Cash and West look forward to Open Library Night all month. I also love the sense of community at their school; I haven’t heard of other schools in the area doing anything like this.

Friday I went to see Breaking Dawn with my girlfriends while Travis took Cash to his first Cub Scout meeting. He is so excited to be in Scouts. Travis and I have a few philosophical disagreements with the BSA but there is really no alternative in this area. We tried a Campfire Boys and Girls club a few years ago but then our regional Campfire office went out of business so we had to disband.

Saturday I spent most of the day working on our digital album of our Walt Disney World vacation. I pre-ordered the album before our trip (because it was a lot cheaper) and it expires on November 25. Disney gives you less than two months after your trip to get your shit together enough to edit all your photos and make an album!

Today I’m meeting some girlfriends for cropping and socializing at a local scrapbooking store. I haven’t gotten together with this group of friends in a long time because of being sick, having surgery, being in the hospital, etc. I’m glad it worked out that I could meet them this month because I’m going to have to miss our annual Christmas dinner next month. I found out after the dinner was already scheduled that I will be up at the Mayo Clinic during that time. It was too late to reschedule the dinner so I’m really bummed. But I’ll have a lot of fun today I’m sure!

  • Kellie

    Mayo in Minnesota? I live about 2 hours from there.
    Hope everything is ok.
    Sean almost took out two nurses during his shots. We got him his 5 year shots and flu shot (had 5… poor kid).

  • http://www.bostonbibliophile.com Marie

    Sounds like a lot of activity and fun. I love the idea of open library night. I hope you enjoyed the movie and your scrapbooking time! :-)

  • http://bookbirddog.blogspot.com Harvee

    I have thought of scrapbooking my photos but haven’t had the time as yet. Sounds like a fun way to spend the day.

  • http://Nerdyapplebortom.com Sarah

    Love the week in review. Might borrow it. šŸ˜‰ We should schedule a lady date for next week.