Fun In Granddad’s Wood Shop

Cash and West LOVE to build things out of wood and are always asking Daddy to help them build things. One of the fun things about Granddad and MaMaw's house is that Granddad has a full blown wood shop in his garage. Before we got to Indiana, Granddad made a log truck kit for each boy. Then he helped the boys put them together while we were there.




Whenever the boys get two of something that is exactly the same, Cash is always concerned about "how will we tell whose is whose?" I try to tell him we don't need to tell whose is whose because the two things are EXACTLY THE SAME. That doesn't work for him. In the case of these log trucks, he taped a piece of paper to his truck with his name on it. Then he cut several strips of paper, wrote his name on each of them and then wrapped every single one of his logs with one of the strips and secured it with tape.

  • Cop’s Wife

    Awww, I love this. Wish our granddads did something like it.
    And I am beginning to agree with you that Cash and B would be very good friends if we lived closer to each other.