Book Review: Hold Me Closer, Necromancer

Hold Me Closer, NecromancerHold Me Closer, Necromancer by Lish McBride

My rating: 4.5 of 5 stars

Sam thinks he’s just an ordinary fry-cook at Plumpy’s in Seattle. When he learns he’s actually a necromancer, a whole paranormal world he never knew existed is revealed to him. Douglas, the head necromancer in charge, is none too happy to learn that there is another necromancer in town. He kidnaps Sam, locking him in a cage with a female werewolf. Can Sam figure out how to use his powers to escape Douglas’s clutches?

Sherman Alexie’s blurb on the cover of Hold Me Closer, Necromancer says it best, “This is a SCARY funny book OR a FUNNY scary book. In either case, it is a GREAT book. I LOVE IT.” I agree – Sam’s narration is full of really funny, sarcastic slacker humor. At the same time this book is full of suspense. A little romance between Sam and a sexy werewolf is thrown in as well.

My one complaint is that I constantly had Elton John’s Hold Me Closer, Tiny Dancer running through my head constantly as I was reading it. It was worth it though!

This book is the first in a series (the next book is due out in September) but this story was self-contained so you can read it without feeling like you need to commit to the entire series (you’ll want to after you read it though!). Also, there is an e-book out now called Necromancer: A Novella that is Ashley’s story. Ashley is a really cute, funny character in Hold Me Closer, Necromancer so I’m betting that the short story about her is great. It’s free in the Amazon Kindle store right now.

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  • rhapsodyinbooks

    I’m so glad you felt the way I did about this book! including that stupid song being impossible to get out your head! LOL