Book Review: The Little Giant of Aberdeen County

The Little Giant of Aberdeen County The Little Giant of Aberdeen County by Tiffany Baker

Synopsis from book jacket: Since she was born, Truly has paid a price for her enormity. Her father blamed her for her mother's death in childbirth and he was ill-equipped to raise either this giant child or her sister, Serena Jane, the epitome of feminine perfection. When their father died, the sisters were separated, Serena Jane to live a life of privilege and Truly to live on the outskirts of town, subject to abuse and humiliation from her peers. 

But Serena Jane's beauty turns out to be as much of curse as a blessing, as it attracts the interest of the ruthless Bob Bob Morgan. When Serena Jane flees town, it is Truly who must become a mother to her eight-year old nephew while facing relentless cruelty from her brother-in-law. But when Truly finds her calling as a naturopathic healer, she finds some control over her life, as well as the possibility of love in unexpected places.

My rating: 4 of 5 stars
I listened to this book in the car and I found myself looking forward to my next drive because I was so engrossed in the story. Tiffany Baker's writing style is beautiful, packed full of creative metaphors and incredibly descriptive. Although there were a few metaphors that had me scratching my head because they seemed over the top or didn't make a lot of sense to me.

I loved that we were introduced to the main character Truly at birth and got to follow her life, tragic as it often was, well through adulthood. I really enjoy books about small town life that immerse the reader in the town for several decades. If you liked Fannie Flagg's Standing in the Rainbow, I think you will enjoy this book.

Carrington MacDuffie does an excellent job narrating the audio book – she has a really wide vocal range. She gave every character a unique, believable voice.
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