Super Sunday Salon

When the boys and I were at Target the other day they noticed that there were a lot of football decorations all around the store. They asked why and I told them about the Super Bowl – that people liked to have a party to watch a special football game. I had them at "party." They decided we needed to have a Super Bowl party. It would have to be a small party of just the four of us because I unwittingly scheduled our quarterly visit with our licensing social worker for bright and early Monday morning. Meaning that at our Super Bowl party we would also be frantically cleaning the house in preparation for her visit.

After church, we braved Hy-Vee to get hotdogs, beans, fries and of course Rotel. That place was packed! People should plan ahead so that when my family goes shopping at the last minute we don't have to navigate massive crowds. Jeez.

After spending the afternoon cleaning, it was time for the game:


Look at those two – they've never watched a football game in their lives, yet they are entranced. Natural born couch potatoes.

  • Cop’s Wife

    Do I want to know why West is topless? Were they about to paint their chests black and gold?