Sunday Salon: January 23-30

Sunday Salon

The highlight of this week was getting away this weekend with eight of my closest girlfriends for a scrapbooking retreat. We rented out a four bedroom loft from Friday afternoon through Sunday morning. We always have so many laughs when we get together.

We cooked most of our meals in the loft but Saturday night we went out for dinner and drinks. I normally don't drink at all but the place we ate at had such tasty martinis that I had three! The loft is in a small town so we were immediately recognized by the restaurant's lounge singer as out-of-towners. He dedicated his cover of James Taylor's You've Got a Friend to us. He very much reminded me of Bill Murray's lounge singer character on Saturday Night Live. My friend Dianna livened up his lounge lizard version of The Door's Light My Fire and had us all in stitches.

Girls Night Out

Even though I didn't get much sleep over the weekend, I came home from the retreat feeling recharged. I even ran six miles on the treadmill instead of taking a nap like I usually do on the Sunday afternoon after a girls' weekend. It's so much easier to be a good mommy when you have some time away once in a while. I'm lucky to have a supportive husband that totally gets that.

  • Cop’s Wife

    I agree it’s easier to be a better mom when you get some time to recharge yourself. It’s so easy to get lost in being Mom, instead of being Rachel (or Sam).
    Glad you had a blast. Did you catch up on some pages?