Halloween Party 2012

Last Saturday, we had our second annual Halloween party. About thirty-five kids attended. We had a chilli and hot dog dinner, a craft table where kids could make a mask, a haunted house in our garage, a pumpkin bean bag toss, and pin the nose on the jack-o-lantern. Even though it was about 45 degrees outside, a lot of the kids went outside to play in our back yard. That’s probably good because I don’t think we could have had all of the kids in our house at one time!

When we were getting ready for the party, Neve was walking around the house singing Happy Birthday. Because if we’re having a party, it must be someone’s birthday!

  • http://rhapsodyinbooks.wordpress.com rhapsodyinbooks

    I’m always amazed at the energy and creativeness of bloggers who are also moms! Very impressive!