Pre-Surgery Scramble

This post is to show you both how amazing the Mayo Clinic is and to make you feel sorry for me. Mostly to show you how amazing Mayo Clinic is though. They know that my time is precious since I’m coming in from out of town and leaving my babies behind so they packed what would probably normally have been several days worth of appointments all into one day. This is my schedule for today:

6:55am Blood Tests
7:45am Sedated Flex Sig (like a colonoscopy but only goes into the sigmoid colon)
10:45am Chest CT Scan (somehow the sedation will have worn off enough for me to take instruction on holding my breath for approximately 45 minutes? I’m interested to see how this actually turns out)
1:00pm Consultation with a stoma nurse
2:15pm Infectious disease consult
4:30pm Consultation with colo-rectal surgeon
5:00pm Appointment the GI Doc who is in charge of my case

I don’t really see much time for napping in between each appointment. I’ve never had a sedated procedure and then not taken a very long nap afterwards. Luckily, my husband will be with me this time so he can carry me from appointment to appointment.

  • Jim Davis

    You are so brave and I am sorry that you continue to have to undergo all these procedures. Know that Mary Ellen and I are praying for you to have a speedy recovery. Love you, Dad.

  • rhapsodyinbooks

    Wow, what a schedule! Good luck!

  • Kellie

    Good luck, Laura. The Chest CT shouldn’t be too bad. You usually don’t need as much sedation for a flex sig as you do for a full colonoscopy. Thinking of you!