Book Review: Original Sin

Original SinOriginal Sin by Beth McMullen
Publisher: Hyperion
Release Date: July 12, 2011
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Publisher’s Description:

After falling in love and making a quick exit from her nine-year career in the USAWMD (United States Agency for Weapons of Mass Destruction), ex-spy Sally Sin does her best to become Lucy Hamilton, a stay-at-home mom in San Francisco. No one, not even her adoring husband Will, knows about her secret agent escapades—chasing no-good masterminds through perilous jungles, escaping evil assassins, and playing dangerous games of cat and mouse with her old nemesis, Ian Blackford, a notorious and dashing illegal arms dealer.

In her new life as Lucy Hamilton, she squeezes inside forts crafted from couch cushions by her three-year-old son Theo, makes organic applesauce, and frequents the zoo. But sometimes her well-honed spy reflexes refuse to lay low. She can’t help breaking into her own house to check on the babysitter or stop herself from tossing the yoga instructor who gets on her nerves. And when Ian Blackford, who is supposed to be dead, once again starts causing trouble for the USAWMD, the agency becomes desperate to get Sally back on the job.

How can Sally or Lucy or whatever her name is save the planet while at the same time keeping her own family’s world from spinning out of control?

The author definitely nailed what it can be like to be a stay-at-home mom to a toddler. I liked that Sally thought it was sometimes harder than being a spy – I feel validated! Sally didn’t seem like she was a particularly good spy in the examples she recounts yet supposedly she was one of the best. The agency she works for doesn’t seem that on top of things either. That makes for some slapstick comedy type situations for Sally.

I actually thought her husband was a kind of a jerk even though he was supposed to be the love of her life. I was rooting for her leave her husband and get together with the bad guy, which is probably not what the author intended.

There are a lot of flashbacks within flashbacks that were sometimes confusing to me, especially when I would come back to the book after taking a break from reading. The story was not as suspenseful as I thought it would be but it was interesting and funny.

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  • rhapsodyinbooks

    I just loved this book! I thought the scenes were her son were as you say right on, and just made me laugh out loud! (I especially loved how EVERYbody thought wrangling with terrorist murderers was easier than dealing with a toddler! LOL)