Welcome To The Family Travis

After months of being good for babysitters, Cash finally filled up his lizard chart and earned a real-life lizard – a leopard gecko.
Cash insisted on naming him Travis. I tried to explain to him that it could get pretty confusing. How will we know if someone is talking about the gecko or Daddy? Cash is confident that it won't be a problem. I don't think Daddy Travis is seeing being the lizard's namesake as an honor. I didn't realize that when you get a gecko, you really get two kinds of pets in one. We are also now the proud owners of 48 crickets. They have their own habitat and food. Of course they are here on more of a temporary basis.

The gecko was a little shell shocked after the car ride home in what was basically a butter tub with holes punched in the top (you would think PetSmart would have something a little more high-tech for you to transport your pet home in) and being screeched at by two very excited little boys. Cash read him a little story to help him calm down.
Cash hasn't left his side since we've been home.