Help, I’m Being Held Hostage by Game of Thrones! (No Spoilers)

You may have noticed it’s been quiet here at Chaos Is a Friend of Mine lately. That’s because I’ve been sucked into the Game of Thrones series and holy moly, the books are long! I’m almost done with the first one and I feel like I’ve been reading it half my life. I love it though. Another factor cutting into my reading is that I’ve started running in the mornings again, which means an earlier bedtime. Reading before bed is when I do most of my reading. I’m going to have to figure out how to read more during the day. Those pesky kids are always after me for food, clean laundry and whatnot.

Don’t worry, I’ll be taking breaks while I’m reading this series to read and review other books. Time just got away from me this week!

And I’m still posting on my Facebook page pretty regularly about various bookish things. Click on the button to the right and follow me!