I Love You Cash

Tonight Cash told me that he didn't like me anymore. This was after he lost his two bedtime stories for A) hitting West and B) bouncing all around while he was pottying and getting pee all over the bathroom. As I was tucking him in, I told him that I still loved him even though he didn't like me right now and he said, "I still don't like you anymore. Just give me a little hug and go down to the kitchen." I asked him if he wanted a hug because he liked me and he said, "No, just give me a tiny hug and go away."

  • Dianna

    Ooh. Harsh. If it makes you feel better I had a similar evening and Ben told me he was going to hit me all day tomorrow. Can’t wait.

  • CW

    That is so cute. I may try that on the Detective.

  • http://noappropriatebehavior.blogspot.com capello

    hahahahahaha. griffin use to say he doesn’t like me anymore (quite often) when he was really mad at me. he’d stomp around and slam doors and yell at me and i’d yell back, “that’s the charming part of this relationship – YOU DON’T HAVE TO!”

  • Krista

    Hmm….you are not alone in having a little one tell us stuff like this. My Ben lately has been saying I hate you. You’re not a good mommy. 5 yr olds….what can I say. They still have limited vocab which only allows so many rants. I know he’s just frustrated but it still hurts.

  • Michelle from B1Grads

    OMG!! I am so glad that Ryan isn’t the only one that pees all over the bathroom! LOL Hugs, Michelle from Grads list