West’s First Day of School

West had his first day of preschool this morning. He'll go on Tuesdays and Thursdays this year and Cash will go on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. West was so excited about his first day of school that he was literally bouncing off the walls last night and this morning. He would run into the kitchen wall, squeal and then run into the opposite kitchen wall, squeal and repeat. Over and over. It was toddler pinball and he was the ball. When we dropped him off he wouldn't even stop to pose for a picture with his teacher; he just shooed us away and started playing. When Cash and I picked him up at noon, I told him it was time to go home and he said, "No! Two more minutes!" I'm glad he had fun – my little independent boy.



  • Kellee

    Yea for West! How fun! Is he potty trained yet?

  • http://chaosisafriendofmine.typepad.com Rachel

    No, he sits on the potty and pees about once a day but he doesn’t stay dry for any length of time. He just turned two in June though so it’ll probably be a while. Cash didn’t finish potty training until he was almost 3 and a half.