He Got ‘Em All Cut*

West got his first haircut today. I'd been putting it off because he has such cute, curly hair and I was afraid that he would lose all his curls like Cash did. Plus, kids always look so grown-up after their first haircut and West is already growing up way too fast. Here's West before and after:

He does look a lot more grown-up but his curls are still there. I think he looks cuter than ever if that's possible. He was very serious in the chair but he didn't cry at all. Kari, the hairdresser, said he may be one of her best first haircuts ever.

*The title comes from one of my favorite corny jokes.
Person A: "Did you get a haircut?"
Person B: "Nope, I got 'em all cut."

  • CW

    I so LOVE it. West looks so darling. And see, he still has his curls for at least a while longer.
    The after picture has to be one of your all time favorites. He looks so precious!

  • Mandy

    Rachel, He does look more grown up but very handsome too!

  • Kari

    How cute are those pictures? I could only wish half my clients sat as still as he did!

  • http://www.cmhollingsworth.stampinup.net Charlotte Hollingsworth

    OMG, he is so stinkin’ cute! He went from baby to toddler in a matter of minutes.
    And to answer your previous question, yes I am a Stampin’ Up demo. I had more fun at Convention in Salt Lake City than I have had in a long time. The hardest part was missing my kids.

  • http://angiepedersen.typepad.com Angie

    James still “ages” after each haircut – a moment for mourning for this Mom to this day, I assure you! It doesn’t get much easier. But I still force him to ‘accept’ kisses, despite his 14.5 years! They will always be our ‘little boys’!