Born Free

This afternoon West woke up from his nap in a good mood and was chatting so pleasantly to himself that I waited a few minutes before going up to get him. When I went upstairs to retrieve him from his crib, he greeted me in the hallway. This means he climbed out of his crib and opened his bedroom door. Lord.Help.Us.

I crossed my fingers and hoped this was a fluke. That he had not learned how to climb effortlessly out of his crib without making so much as a thud when he landed. But no, soon after Travis laid him down tonight, we heard his little voice upstairs, coming closer and closer. I went up to put him back in bed and he burst into tears. I don't think he was upset that he had to get back in bed. I think he truly expected praise and congratulations on his magnificent accomplishment and he was crushed when he didn't get it. Poor little guy. Stay in your bed!