Caffeine Addicts

West loves to steal my Diet Coke when I’m not looking and suck it down as fast as he can. Now he’s decided that if my Diet Coke is so yummy that the Frappuccinos I drink must be delicious too. I brought one home the other day and he was beside himself trying to get it off the kitchen counter. First he drug a kitchen chair over and climbed up to try and reach the Frappuccino. I put the kitchen chair in the living room since he can’t drag them over the carpet. We then repeated the cycle with the remaining three kitchen chairs. With all four kitchen chairs now in the living room, I thought my Frappuccino was safe. Oh no, he’s not giving up that easily. He opened the bathroom door and got the step stool out. I put the step stool on top of the refrigerator. Then he went and got this huge bubble wand that’s at least two feet long and used it to hook the Frappuccino and drag it over to the edge of the counter. I finally gave up and just threw the Frappuccino in the trash! Some things are not worth the hassle.

Today I brought home a Mocha Frappuccino, knowing that West would probably go nuts trying to get it. I had the bright idea that if I gave him a taste of it, he would taste the bitter coffeeness of it, hate it and then stop trying to steal them. Uh, no – that’s not how it worked. He sucked it down and I had to grab it away from him before he drank it all. The last thing I need is West hopped up on caffeine so he’s MORE active. So now he love Diet Coke AND coffee. How can I get my daily caffeine fix without being stalked by my baby?

  • julie cope

    rachel, i have the same problem with paetyn drinking my frapps!! lol I thought she’d hate them too, but no, she loves them!! thank goodness the other kids can’t stand the coffeeness of it!!