It Won’t Be the Last Time

I took West to the ER for the first time on Tuesday. I’m sure we have many, many more visits to look forward to since West possesses the dangerous combination of having no fear and being extremely clumsy. This trip was because he fell off of Cash’s bike, face first onto the garage floor. His front tooth went through his lower lip. It’s not nearly as gross as it sounds. The front of his lip just looks like a scratch – it’s not a gaping hole or anything. He did cry when it happened but not for long. I think he was trying to climb back on Cash’s bike in under five minutes. I called the pediatrician’s office and they said he needed to go to the ER to be evaluated. When I told the phone nurse (a friend of mine who knows West) that he wasn’t even crying at that point, she said, "Welcome to being the mom of boys!"

Luckily the ER isn’t very crowded at 9am on a Tuesday morning and we got right in. The doctor looked at West and said it wasn’t bad enough for stitches. Thank goodness – West was being such a stinker that the doctor said if he would have needed stitches he would’ve had to knock him out. I took this after we got home: