It’s all about me….

The boys have both been sick for a few days – Cash has a fever and rash and West has the runniest nose ever. Frankly, they’re not very funny or cute when they’re sick so I’m making today’s entry all about me.

I rejoined Weight Watchers this past Saturday. My goal is to lose 16 pounds. I lost 7 pounds the first time I did Weight Watchers but that’s when I was nursing West and the weight loss made my milk supply decrease so I dropped out. This Christmas was my first Christmas since 2002 that I was not either pregnant or nursing; but I went ahead and ate like I was anyway. Those 7 pounds came back with a vengeance! Unfortunately, I tend to gain most of my weight in my gut and after the THIRD person asked me if I was expecting I decided something needed to be done. I realize this post hasn’t been very funny either but my point is accountability. If I know that I have to come back to this blog and admit that I didn’t lose any weight because I ate half a package of Oreos, then I might think twice before eating the Oreos in the first place. Wish me luck – I weigh in Saturday morning.

  • Davie

    Good luck! Are you doing the online WW or going to meetings?

  • Dianna

    You’re not weighing in on your b-day are you?? That shouldn’t be allowed!
    You’re gonna do great!

  • Kari

    Birthday? I think you forgot to tell me! Hope your eye is better! Yea! I like your blog!