The Obsession Begins…..

This morning West took off his pajamas and diaper so he could run around naked – one of his favorite activities. After a few minutes, he stopped with his legs in a wide stance and bent his head way over, so it was almost between his legs. He looked up at me and asked, "Penis?" I confirmed that yes, that was indeed his penis.
"Take it off?" he asked.
"No, it stays on," I informed him.
"Eat it?" he asked.
"No, we don’t eat it," I told him.
"Yucky?" he asked.
"Yes, that would be yucky."

  • Andy

    This is a great blog! It’s very funny, and I like being able to see what the boys are doing, even if some of it is pretty strange. Keep it up!

  • Davie

    What a great way to keep up to date with the boys! I check the blog everyday and it’s fun to see a new entry.