The Poop Talk Will Be Minimal

Before I had kids, my friends with kids would tell me stories involving their kid’s poop and I would think, "Why are you subjecting me to this disgusting story? Do you really think I give a sh*t (pun intended) about your kid’s poop? Ugh." I vowed that when I had children of my own, I would never subject innocent bystanders to boring poop stories. Of course the instant Cash was born I renounced my vow and started telling tons of boring poop stories of my own. And I must admit, I now find other parents poop stories funny and/or interesting sometimes.

I’ll try to keep the poop stories to a minimum on this blog, but I just had mention one thing:  Cash pooped on the potty at preschool today!! This is huge – he has been potty trained since November and didn’t ever even pee on the potty at school until a couple of weeks ago. I never thought he would be able to poop at school. Okay, that’s all – thanks for indulging me. Oh, wait….one more story while we’re on the poop track: Today Cash asked me if I thought West’s diarrhea was beautiful. Ugh. Okay, seriously that’s all. For a while at least.

  • Dianna

    YAY Cash!!! Way to “go”!!