Audiobook Review: When Life Gives You Lululemons

When Life Gives You Lululemons (The Devil Wears Prada, #3)When Life Gives You Lululemons by Lauren Weisberger
Publisher: Simon & Schuster Audio
Release Date: June 5, 2018
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Publisher’s Description:

Welcome to Greenwich, Connecticut, where the lawns and the women are perfectly manicured, the Tito’s and sodas are extra strong, and everyone has something to say about the infamous new neighbor.

Let’s be clear: Emily Charlton does not do the suburbs. After leaving Miranda Priestly, she’s been working in Hollywood as an image consultant to the stars, but recently, Emily’s lost a few clients. She’s hopeless with social media. The new guard is nipping at her heels. She needs a big opportunity, and she needs it now.

When Karolina Hartwell, a gorgeous former supermodel, is arrested, her fall from grace is merciless. Her senator-husband leaves her, her Beltway friends disappear, and the tabloids pounce.

In Karolina, Emily finds her comeback opportunity. But she quickly learns Greenwich is a world apart and that this comeback needs a team approach.

So it is that Emily, the scorned Karolina, and their mutual friend Miriam, a powerful attorney turned stay-at-home mom, band together to navigate the social land mines of suburban Greenwich and win back the hearts of the American public. Along the way, an unexpected ally emerges in one Miranda Priestly.

When Life Gives You Lululemons isn’t really a sequel to The Devil Wears Prada, it’s more of a spin-off. I didn’t even realize it was written by the same author until about halfway through the audiobook! I’ve never read The Devil Wears Prada and it didn’t affect my enjoyment or understanding of this book at all.

Emily is an image consultant who’s having trouble adapting to the modern age of social media and her business is suffering as a result. When her friend Karolina, a former supermodel, is arrested for a crime that she may or may not have committed, Emily takes the case.

While When Life Gives You Lululemons supposed to be chick-lit, I thought it was more than that. Karolina’s predicament had my stomach in knots. And I was also really angry at her ex-husband. There were a lot of funny parts too, it was a good balance. It was a nice book to listen to because it was entertaining but didn’t’ require so much concentration that I missed my turn while driving. That has actually happened to me more times than I care to mention with other audiobooks!

Fans of The Devil Wears Prada will be glad to know that Miranda Priestly does make an appearance. However, I think anyone looking for a lighter read will appreciate this book.

  • Susan

    You have seen the movie of Devil Wears Prada right? So Emily in this one must be Emily Blunt’s character in that … hmm just trying to figure. The movie was such fun. Seen it too many times. This audio sounds fun as well. I’ll look for it.