Happy Indigenous Peoples’ Day!

In honor of Indigenous Peoples’ day, I took a quick perusal through my Goodreads to see what books written by Indigenous people I’ve read and liked. These are my top recommendations:

The Night WatchmanThe Nightwatchman by Louise Erdrich As a work of historical fiction, Night Watchman serves to remind us that our country’s attempts to erase Native Americans are not a thing of the distant past. It also highlights the extreme poverty found on reservations, with homes that don’t even have running water or electricity. It’s clear from the author’s note that a lot of research went into Night Watchman to ensure that it is historically accurate.


the Absolutely True Diary of a Part Time IndianThe Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian by Sherman Alexie
This book was funny and heartbreaking at the same time. It addresses the issues of racism and white privilege without being heavy-handed. Any teenager reading this book will learn a lot without even realizing it and have some laughs too.


There ThereThere There by Tommy OrangeTommy Orange’s mission is to show the reader that there are all types of Native Americans – they don’t all live on reservations. Many are “urban Indians”, that is, they live in cities just like anyone else. However, they experience a sense of disconnection and loss borne from years and years of horrific treatment of their ancestors. Orange conveys this abstract feeling through his characters expertly.

What are your favorite books by Indigenous authors?

  • http://www.thecuecard.com Susan

    I’ve read all three of these authors …. and especially admire Louise Erdrich … I hope to read her new novel The Sentence sometime. Good picks.

  • Jake
