Book Review: Abandon

Abandon (Abandon Trilogy #1)Abandon by Meg Cabot

My rating: 2 of 5 stars

Pierce had a near death experience two years ago when she drowned in her parents’ swimming pool. Her life hasn’t been the same since. She and her mom move to a town and she starts a new school for a fresh start.

This book surprised me because it was so much darker than everything else I’ve read by Meg Cabot. There was an invisible cloud of gloom over every scene. That would have been okay if some of the characters would have been likable. Pierce was just kind of blah, she didn’t have the charm that Cabot’s female leads usually have. Her love interest was just awful. I get the whole being attracted to the bad boy thing but that’s usually because the bad boy is secretly sensitive and every once and a while there is a little peek into that side. The guy in this book was just a jerk, plain and simple. There wasn’t any believable chemistry between him and Pierce.

Even though I didn’t enjoy this book, I will read the next one in the trilogy because I normally really enjoy Cabot’s books and I’m hoping that the second book will be better.

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(I received this book courtesy of the publisher and Amazon Vine.)