Audiobook Week Day 1

Jen over at Devourer of Books is hosting Audiobook week this week. There is a different discussion topic each day and she’s got some awesome giveaways for those participating so be sure and check out her blog!

Today’s discussion topic:
2010-2011, Your Audiobook Year
Are you new to audiobooks in the last year? Have you been listening to them forever but discovered something new this year? Favorite titles? New times/places to listen? This is your chance to introduce yourself and your general listening experience.

I’ve been listening to audiobooks for several years now. I still remember the first audiobook I ever listened to –  To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee. My husband and I took a roadtrip to San Francisco in late September 2001 (we were too scared to fly because of September 11). I decided to check out some audiobooks from the library for us to listen to on the road and To Kill a Mockingbird was the first CASSETTE we popped in. The time went so much faster compared to listening to music on the radio! From then on we listened to audiobooks on all our roadtrips – until we had kids, then we switched to kiddie movies on the DVD player. Maybe when they’re older (and less whiny on road trips!) we can listen to books again.

Now I keep an audiobook (checked out from the library) in each car so that if I find myself driving somewhere alone I can get some listening in. My absolute favorite to listen to is anything by David Sedaris. He reads his books himself and his ultra dry delivery makes listening to his books ten times funnier than just reading them.

Currently my go-to audiobook is anything by Meg Cabot. I’m working my way through her catalog and I’ve listened to around ten of her books so far. Her books are funny with charming female leads and good narrators. They don’t require so much concentration that I can’t also pay attention to the road while driving.

Your turn!

  • Cop’s Wife

    I can’t wait to be able to do audiobooks again. As of now, I’m never alone in the van.

  • Jen – Devourer of Books

    My little one is too little for audiobooks really right now too, although sometimes if the book is relatively clean I just pump it through the speakers anyway and let him listen, he’s also young enough it still works.

  • Rachel

    Enjoy it now Jen! It won’t be long til Daniel chatters nonstop in the car and asks you “why?” every two seconds like my boys do.

  • Nise’

    I loved TKAM read by Sissy Spacek. Just brought home a David Sedaris audiobook.