Book Review: Accomplice

AccompliceAccomplice by Eireann Corrigan

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Finn and her best friend Chloe are high school juniors. When the guidance counselor stresses that good grades are not enough to get into a good college, Chloe and Finn decide they need to come up with a way to stand out. They decide to stage Chloe’s disappearance – figuring that when Finn is the one to find her when she comes home after being “kidnapped”, they will both be so famous that any college will want them. In typical adolescent fashion, they neglected to take into account how their plan would affect the other people in their lives and town.

Finn is the narrator of this book and the author did a fantastic job of giving her an authentic teenage voice. Finn’s relationship with Chloe is complicated. Chloe is the pretty one, the charming one. It’s only after their plan is set into motion that Finn begins to see Chloe’s true colors.

This was a quick read and full of suspense and surprises. I read most of it with a knot in my stomach, knowing that no good could come of the girls’ hare-brained plan. The plot is timely too – there are so many people today who think that getting on TV will solve all their problems. (Balloon-boy anyone?) Teenagers will enjoy this book but I think most adults will enjoy this book as well, remembering their naive teenage years when they thought the world revolved around them (that wasn’t just me, was it?).

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  • Harvee/Book Dilettante

    This would be good for naive teens and parents who aren’t aware of what is really going on with them. Nice review!